At ABF, your kids (infant – high school) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.
During weekly worship services, we set aside time to meaningfully engage children in the Bible through storytelling and activities. Children join their parents for the opening worship songs, and then are dismissed for a time of learning in the appropriate classroom. Children under 2 years old can be checked into the nursery adjacent to the fellowship hall.
All of our volunteers undergo a background check and follow specific rules for the weekend. We are dedicated to providing a safe environment where your children are loved and cared for and where you can enjoy your worship experience worry free.

“Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” – Matthew 19:14
Our hope is that the children entrusted to us – as well as their parents – will experience ABF as a place that provides a safe, nurturing environment that is informed by Christ’s love.
A nursery is available for babies and toddlers up to age 2. Care is provided during our 10:30am Worship Service until its conclusion around 12 Noon.
For more information contact Diane Richmond or Becky Dickfoss or fill out the contact form below and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.
Sunday School

“And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” – Deuteronomy 6:6-7
At ABF, we believe that kids need the gospel too, and aim to love them through sound teaching, compassionate leadership, and consistent mentorship. While we adhere to the belief that the family is a child’s first place of ministry, the church strives to reinforce the nurture kids receive within their own families and to further support these children as they grow to know Jesus personally.
We believe that Sunday morning should be the BEST HOUR of a child’s week and we are intentional to deliver just that. We also believe that Jesus wasn’t boring when He was teaching people about God’s love, so we shouldn’t be either! Understanding kids thrive, when learning is mixed with fun, we make Sunday mornings something kids will look forward to all week.
We presently have two classes for younger kids (K-5th Grade) and older kids (6th Grade to High School). We will add more as are necessary.

Our present curriculum, for the kids, is The Gospel Project. (https://www.gospelproject.com)
The Gospel Project for Kids tells a single story—the story of Jesus and His mission to seek out and restore lost people to God. Each book, chapter, and verse of the Bible in both the Old Testament and the New Testament is part of that one overarching gospel narrative. From cover to cover, it’s all about Jesus. (Lk. 24:27) He is the thread woven throughout the pages of Scripture that holds it all together.
We are excited to be using The Gospel Project for Kids, because we believe that when a child truly encounters the gospel everything changes. A mind that understands the gospel story and a heart that loves the Author of that story prompt genuine and lasting Christ-centered transformation. It is the gospel—and only the gospel—that encourages and empowers a child to live out the mission to which God has called him, both in his neighborhood and to the uttermost parts of the world.
For more information contact Sue Towle or fill out the contact form below and someone will get back to you as soon as possible.