Men’s Ministry

At ABF, our goal is for men to grow in their walk with Jesus and in significant, accountable relationships with other men. Jesus calls men to follow him fully and boldly engage in his plan of redemption personally, with our friends and families, in our spheres of influence, and in our culture.
It is our desire that the men of ABF continually deepen their relationships with Christ. We seek for them to express their allegiance to the Kingship of Christ by extending His dominion into their personal and family lives, into their vocational lives, and into their community lives. The men of ABF study the Word together, share with each other, and provide service to our church and our community.
Join us the 3rd Saturday, of every month, for a Men’s Breakfast; where we fellowship around a meal and around the Word of God, as we grow deeper in our faith.

For more information contact Pastors Spencer or Tom or fill out the contact form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.