Greeters Ministry

“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God“. – Romans 15:7
We are God’s doorkeepers welcoming members and guests into His House of Prayer with a spirit filled smile and a servant’s heart.
As greeters our job is very simple. We are here to show the love of Christ and make everyone feel like they are part of our church family. We seek to eliminate fear and encourage the love of Christ by showing the beauty of a smile when someone enters into God’s house. Kind words, a loving handshake or brief hug, may be all that is needed to boost confidence and bring a sense of ease to someone’s heart. The word “Welcome” is just a small percentage of what God can do through the greeter’s ministry. He has given this ministry so much more power to touch others through the joy of our service.
Because we are His “doorkeepers” and the “first impression” of ABF, we have a wonderful opportunity and an awesome responsibility to touch every heart. The Greeters Ministry is a face-to-face, hand-to-hand and heart-to-heart ministry. Just as Christ has received us in unconditional love, we accept everyone just as they are.
For more information contact Steve Richmond or fill out the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.